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Beams, riders and other elements for walking beam furnaces in heat resistant steel and superalloy.
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Other products for steel industry
Radiant tubes
M-Radiant, W-Radiant, U-Radiant, P-radiant, PP-radiant, I-radiant tubes for continuous annealing lines (CAL) and for continuous galvanizing lines (CGL).
Hearth furnace roll
Hearth furnace roll for heat treatment of slabs and heavy plates in heat resistant alloy or superalloy.
Transport roll
Cooled and non-cooled transport rolls for steel mill lines, in corrosion and wear resistant steel.
Deflector roll
Deflector rolls for continuous annealing line (CAL) or continuous galvanizing line (CGL).
Zinc bath roll
Galvanizing sink roll for continuous galvanizing line (CGL) complete with wear resistant bushes sleeves.
Water cooled roll
Water cooled rolls for continuous galvanizing lines (CGL).
Support castings for boogie hearth furnaces.
Special application
Rolls for special applications at very high temperatures.
FAIFTC Symposium 2025 Hotel CASIMIRO in Salò Di, 27. + Mi, 28.05.2025 from May 6 to May 8.
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